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Thai Massage

Also known as Thai Yoga Massage, Thai massage respects the body's limits, while encouraging clients to reach their edge of flexibility-but never beyond. Thai massage uses acupressure, massage, and passive-assisted stretching, where therapists help clients move into their stretch.

The work is purposely slow as the therapist guides clients through the movements, being ever mindful of their physical limitations. Some say the combination of movements and focused awareness during a Thai massage session creates a slow, flowing dance between practitioner and client.

Thai massage is performed on a soft floor mat, with clients fully clothed in loose, comfortable attire suitable for the deep stretching that will be part of the session. Pillows and bolsters may be used for better client support. This interactive form of bodywork can utilize tai chi, rocking and rhythmic motion, massage, and assisted stretching. Practitioners may use their hands, feet, knees, elbows, and legs to facilitate the process. No oil is used during these sessions.